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Links 20/02/2023: Microsoft’s Outlook Broken Again

  • GNU/Linux

    • Kernel Space

      • GhacksLinux Kernel 6.2 is out with Intel Arc and Sony PlayStation controller support

        Linux Kernel 6.2 is now available.

      • TechRadar Linux Kernel 6.2 is here, and it now has mainline support for Apple M1 chips
        Version 6.2 of the Linux operating system has been released, and while those expecting sweeping feature additions might be disappointed, one change will stand out for many.

        In a short blog post (opens in new tab), Linux founder and lead developer Linus Torvalds explained that, in the lead up to the release, there had been a few small fixes, stating: “I wasn't going to apply any last-minute patches that weren't actively pushed by maintainers”.

      • Linux Magazine Linux Kernel 6.2 Released with New Hardware Support
        The latest, greatest Linux kernel has arrived and it includes a number of improvements for hardware support, performance, and security.

        In a recent email to the LKML mailing list, Linus Torvalds had this to say: "But in the meantime, please do give 6.2 a testing. Maybe it's not a sexy LTS release like 6.1 ended up being, but all those regular pedestrian kernels want some test love too."

        Although 6.2 might not be "sexy," it still has plenty to offer. First up are hardware improvements that include out-of-the-box support for Intel Arc graphics and Intel's On-Demand driver. As well, Skylake CPUs have gained a significant performance increase with an addition that's designed to address the Retbleed CPU vulnerability.

      • Ubuntu PitLinux Kernel 6.2 Officially Released: Exciting Changes and Improvements

        In a statement sent out to the Linux kernel developer mailing list (LKML) introducing Linux Kernel 6.2, Linus Torvalds enthusiastically invites people to try it out.

      • Ubuntu HandbookLinux Kernel 6.2 Released! How to Install in Ubuntu 22.04 / Linux Mint 21

        Linux Kernel 6.2 was release this Sunday. Linus Torvalds announced it at So here we are, right on (the extended) schedule, with 6.2 out. Nothing unexpected happened last week, with just a random selection of small fixes spread all over, with nothing really standing out.

      • Ubuntu PitLinux 6.3 Merge Window: A Sneak Peek into the Exciting New Features Coming Your Way

        Get ready, as the Linux 6.2 merge window is about to be unveiled! This will mark the official commencement of a two-week period in which all new features and changes for Linux 6.3 are incorporated into one release.

    • Applications

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Linux HintHow to Install Mousepad Text Editor on Linux Mint 21

        To Install Mousepad on Linux Mint 21 there are three ways: through Apt, through Flatpak. Read this guide for a complete guide.

      • ID RootHow To Install Nmon on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Nmon on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. For those of you who didn’t know, Nmon (Nigel’s performance Monitor) is a popular performance monitoring tool for Linux operating systems.

      • Linux HintVim Spell Check

        Practical tutorial on how to enable the Vim spell-check feature using the commands that allow us to navigate through the misspelled words along with examples.

      • Linux HintVimrc Tutorial

        Tutorial on the customization of the Vim editor in the .vimrc configuration file using different configuration settings, programming language, file types.

      • Linux HintLinux File Encryption

        Practical guide on how to use the GPG utility to encrypt and decrypt the Linux files to prevent the unauthorized access to delicate information using examples.

      • Linux HintHow to Install the Vim Plugins

        Guide on the method to install the Vim plugins in Linux to add a functionality to the text editor using the plugin manager by implementing practical examples.

      • Trend OceansHow to Change DNS in Linux and Windows for Secure and Fast Response

        It only takes a few easy steps to modify the DNS settings on a Linux or Windows machine to get the most secure and fastest response times when using the internet.

      • UNIX CopInstalling DDoS Deflate to evade DoS attacks

        Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install DDoS Deflate to evade DoS attacks on your system. This simple tool can help save your server.

      • Jeff Layton: Using kdevops to test the Linux kernel NFS server

        A few months ago, I transitioned from working on CephFS full time back to helping maintain the Linux kernel NFS server (aka knfsd). Chuck Lever (the primary maintainer) and I have a long-term goal to improve testing of incoming changes. In particular, we’d like to have some sort of continuous integration (CI) to help catch regressions.

        After reviewing a few options, I settled on kdevops since it’s being adopted by several filesystem teams, and configuring and running it uses tools familiar to kernel developers. It’s configured using the same Kconfig system that the Linux kernel uses, and provisioning and running machines is done using make targets.

        Importantly, it is (supposedly) infrastructure-neutral. It can spin up virtual machines locally, using vagrant, or in several major cloud environments using terraform. In principle, it should be possible to run the same set of tests in either environment without any modifications.

      • Kushal Das: Networking in podman 4.x

        podman 4.0 has a new networking stack. It uses Netavark for network setup (this is a direct replacement for CNI), and also uses Aardvark DNS server. Both of these tools are written from scratch in Rust keeping the requirements of podman in mind.

        At the time of writing this blog post, we have podman-4.4.1 in Fedora 37, and podman-4.2.0 in Almalinux9.

      • H2S MediaWhy do we use Homebrew on Ubuntu Linux?

        Are you an Ubuntu user looking for a more efficient and fast package management solution apart from the default APT? If so, installing a Homebrew setup on your Linux machine is the way to go.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Discord on Fedora Linux

        Discord is a free voice, video, and text chat app used by millions of people ages 13+ to talk and hang out with their communities and friends.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install PyCharm on Fedora Linux

        PyCharm is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) for programming in Python. It is known for its user-friendly interface and robust features, which make it a preferred choice for developers over other competing software options. One of PyCharm‘s standout features is its intelligent code completion, saving developers significant time when writing and debugging code.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Python on Fedora Linux

        Python is a high-level programming language that has gained tremendous popularity over the years. Created in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, Python is known for its simplicity, readability, and ease of use.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Linux Kernel 6.2 on Rocky Linux EL9 or EL8

        The Linux operating system is a popular open-source platform used by developers, businesses, and individuals for its stability, security, and flexibility. Linux Kernel 6.2 is the latest version of the Linux Kernel, officially released by its creator, Linus Torvalds.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install MySQL 8.0 on Fedora Linux

        MySQL 8.0 is a popular and widely used open-source relational database management system. It was first released in April 2018 and was developed and maintained by Oracle Corporation. MySQL 8.0 is a major update that includes significant improvements in performance, security, and scalability.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Firefox Nightly on Fedora Linux

        Firefox Nightly is a pre-release version of the popular Mozilla Firefox browser designed for developers and advanced users who want to test the latest features and capabilities of the browser.

      • Linux Shell TipsExifTool – Read, Write and Manipulate Image, Audio, Video and PDF Metadata

        Every multimedia whether in a form of image, audio, or video comes with specific information that we call metadata...

      • LinuxTutoHow to Install Vue.js on Ubuntu 22.04

        Vue.js is a popular open-source JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces and single-page applications.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Google Chrome on Fedora Linux

        Google Chrome is a popular web browser developed by Google. It was first released in 2008 and has gained a significant market share, becoming the most widely used browser globally. The browser is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android and is known for its speed, simplicity, and security features.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install LXDE on Fedora Linux

        LXDE, short for Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, is a free and open-source desktop environment designed for low-resource computers, such as older machines, netbooks, and embedded systems. It is built using the GTK+ toolkit and offers a clean and simple interface that is easy to navigate.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install VLC Media Player on Fedora Linux

        VLC media player is a popular and versatile multimedia player that is free and open-source. It is available on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install GIMP on Fedora Linux

        GIMP, or the GNU Image Manipulation Program, is a powerful open-source image editing software that can be used for many creative tasks, from photo retouching to graphic design. It is available for multiple operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and Mac.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • Ubuntu PitTokodon 23.02.0 Released: Enhancing Your Mastodon Experience on Linux

          Tokodon 23.02.0 has been released, and it is an exciting update for Linux users who use Mastodon, the popular open-source social network. Tokodon is a Mastodon client designed specifically for Linux users, offering an easy-to-use interface and seamless integration with the Mastodon platform.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • LinuxiacUsers Are Worried: What’s Going On with SolusOS

      Solus is a fully-fledged, independent rolling release Linux distribution targeted at desktop users. It is unique because it is written from scratch and has its repositories and package manager, EOPKG. In addition, the distro is traditionally associated with Budgie as its flagship desktop environment.

      While receiving less attention than other leading desktop-oriented Linux distros such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Linux Mint, and others, Solus has a devoted fan base concerned about what has been happening to their favorite distro in the last month. Here’s what it is all about.

    • Drew DeVaultPorting Helios to aarch64 for my FOSDEM talk, part one

      Helios is a microkernel written in the Hare programming language, and the subject of a talk I did at FOSDEM earlier this month. You can watch the talk here if you like:

      A while ago I promised someone that I would not do any talks on Helios until I could present them from Helios itself, and at FOSDEM I made good on that promise: my talk was presented from a Raspberry Pi 4 running Helios. The kernel was originally designed for x86_64 (though we were careful to avoid painting ourselves into any corners so that we could port it to more architectures later on), and I initially planned to write an Intel HD Graphics driver so that I could drive the projector from my laptop. But, after a few days spent trying to comprehend the IHD manuals, I decided it would be much easier to port the entire system to aarch64 and write a driver for the much-simpler RPi GPU instead. 42 days later the port was complete, and a week or so after that I successfully presented the talk at FOSDEM. In a series of blog posts, I will take a look at those 42 days of work and explain how the aarch64 port works. Today’s post focuses on the bootloader.

      The Helios boot-up process is:

      1. Bootloader starts up and loads the kernel, then jumps to it
      2. The kernel configures the system and loads the init process
      3. Kernel provides runtime services to init (and any subsequent processes)
  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Programming/Development

      • Linux HintIsdigit() Function in C Language

        Guide on how to use the isdigit() function in C language, the theoretical description of this function, its syntax, input and output arguments, and data type.

      • TecAdminHow to Get the Current Timestamp in JavaScript

        In JavaScript, there are several ways to retrieve the current timestamp. One of the simplest and most efficient ways to do this is by using the built-in method.

      • Geeks For GeeksLambda Expressions in JavaScript

        A lambda expression is a code you enter to define a short function.

      • Geeks For GeeksHow to loop through an array using forEach in JavaScript ?

        Iterating through an array in JavaScript can be done in multiple ways. One of the most common methods is using the traditional for loop.

      • TecAdminWhat are the Built-in Methods?

        In programming, a method is a block of code that performs a specific task or action. Built-in methods, also known as native methods or standard methods, are pre-defined methods that are included as part of a programming language.

      • Perl / Raku

        • Rakulang2023.08 Gherkining

          Anton Antonov created a new Raku module (Gherkin::Grammar), expanding on the work that the late Robert Lemmen did on integrating Gherkin as a test methodology in the Raku Programming Language. And posted an introduction to it.

      • Python

        • Linux HintPandas to HTML

          Tutorial on how to alter a Pandas DataFrame into an HTML table using the “pandas.DataFrame.to_html()” method by designing the DataFrame that renders into HTML.

        • Linux HintPandas Rolling Correlation

          Tutorial on how to compute the rolling correlation on a Pandas DataFrame and find the rolling correlation using the “DataFrame_object.rolling().corr()” method.

        • Linux HintPandas Exponential Moving Average

          Tutorial on the concept of calculating the exponential weighted moving average in Pandas to compute the averages of distinct subsets of the entire dataset.

        • Linux HintPandas Fill Nan with 0

          Practical tutorial on how to change the NaN values in a row or column of a Pandas DataFrame to 0 using fillna() and replace() methods to reduce the complexity.

        • Linux HintPandas Export to CSV

          Tutorial on how to utilize the “to_csv()” Pandas method to export a Pandas DataFrame into a CSV file as a comma-separated value (CSV) datatype to your machine.

        • Linux HintPandas Filter by Index

          Comprehensive tutorial on how to retrieve the DataFrame rows based on their indexes in Pandas using the syntax of the filter() function along with examples.

    • Standards/Consortia

      • Stacey on IoTHere’s where the CSA’s new health effort should focus

        After successfully bringing together more than 500 companies to create the Matter smart home interoperability standard, the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) has set its sights on an audacious new standards plan.

  • Leftovers

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Politics

      • Mandatory Planet-Wrecking

        Right wing think tanks (like ALEC and TPPF) are pushing laws that would prevent state agencies from contracting with financial companies unless they prop up fossil fuels, and Texas has already signed into law an implementation of their model bill.

        “Free trade, free speech for me but not for you” seems to be their motto. “Regulation, overreach for you but not for me”, their jam.

    • Technical

      • Random SSL Things

        One is that we're supposed to call it TLS; apparently Microsoft had too much pride to take a knee and use a Netscape protocol, and so SSL had to be renamed.

      • Eyeball-Minute Land

        Just as we pay our electric company by the kilowatt-hour, modern media, from cable channels to newspapers to recipe blogs to social media, is paid by the eyeball-minute. More eyeball-minutes equal more ads equal more money. It's not enough for a site to have good content, provide it to their users, and then have those users fuck off and do something else. The pool of new users to extract eyeball-minutes from would run dry quickly. Users must instead be kept "engaged" with new content which is constantly evolving to their tastes.

      • Internet Office Hours, a new podcast, and I recorded a podcast episode! The podcast has exactly one episode. No promises for more. But we had fun doing it, and I like the format: We all come unprepared, everybody can propose a topic and then we decide what to talk about. This time we decided to talk about the idea of having rules without a setting.

      • Yak Attak

        My biggest coup in this regard is getting OpenJDK 19 running. I have little grokage as to what the actual differences are amongst the arm architectures. My system is 64 bit on Raspi 4B, and it seems to be able to handle aarch64 “sometimes”, if I respecify that as armhf.

      • Freezr "P.E.B.C.A.K."

        I already had a similar board before: the Pine64 Rock64 (4GB); that I bought for the same reason (cheap price) and I sold right after for the same issue I am having right now: poor OS support.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

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